So that no questions remain unanswered Advice & action at KGM
Ourglobalcustomers havea wide variety ofrequirementsandtrustthat we always have therightball. If there are any questions or special requests, we are always available.
In short, no. Wesupplywell-knownand small customers worldwide fromalmostall sectors, such as theautomotive industry,mechanical engineering,electrical engineering,medical technology, foodproduction, thechemicalindustry,cosmetics, the pharmaceuticalindustry,aerospace,household goodsandpower generation.
Thanks to KGMball production, over fourbillionballs aremanufacturedevery year - and every one of them ismanufacturedflawlesslyfor yourapplication. This means we can supply therightball for every industry and everyapplication.
KGMKugelfabrikproducesprecisionballswith adiameterfrom one millimetreand offers aselection ofaround 140differentmaterials, including rolling bearingsteel, corrosion-resistantsteels,hard metals, titanium, ceramics,variousplasticsand more. Our balls can bedrilled,milledorflattenedso that you can find therightball for yourapplication.
At KGM, we are able torealiseany ball. Ourfocusis not just on massproduction, but onproductsofexceptionallyhighquality- be it inunusualsizes, withspecialboresor milling. We arecharacterisedby ourflexibilityandqualityin order to meet theindividualrequirements ofeachcustomer.
Even small assembliesarenoproblemfor our traditionalcompany. Weguarantee100 per cent batchpurity. Youcanrelyon us tofulfilyourordersprecisely andflawlessly.
Yes - at KGM we candefinitelyhelp you with yourchoice of ball. Wehaveyears ofexpertiseandextensiveknowledgeofa wide range ofenvironmentalconditionsandknowexactlywhichmaterialis best able towithstandwater, acids or gases. We also takeintoaccount factorssuch astemperature, pressure and the expectedduration of use.Basedon thisinformation, we are happy tosupportyou inselectingthe ball that isbestsuited to yourproject.
36041 Fulda
Hessen, Deutschland