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Stahlkugeln - KGM Kugelfabrik

CNC-machined balls ... in the overview

Kugeln mit Loch - KGM Kugelfabrik

Customised balls

Whether blindholesordrilled through, with thread or groove - these ballsenablemany solutions such asfastening, throughflow or valve control.

Flattened balls

Less is more - up to 40% of the ball diameter can be flattened forspecialapplications.

Ball mushrooms

Special components, round things - customised design, tolerance and surface requirements are possible.

Ideally suited for these Applications




Linear systems

So that no questions remain unanswered More about our special spheres

Do you still have questions about our CNC-machined balls, ordering or other topics? If you can't find an answer here, please don't hesitate to contact us - at KGM, no question remains unanswered.

Are other processing options possible?

Our mission is to fulfil your individual ball requirements. Do you have special requirements? No problem. Let us know your request via our contact form and we will get in touch with you immediately to find a customised solution.

What materials are available?

We manufacture precisionballsfrom around 140differentmaterials, depending on thespecificrequirementsof theapplication. These include everydaymaterials as well as industrialmaterialsandspeciality materials. The most commonmaterialsare bearingsteel, corrosion-resistantsteels,hard metals, titanium, ceramics andvariousplastics.

Due tothelarge numberofmaterials, it is not possible to listall of them. However, if thematerialof your choice is not mentioned on ourwebsite, this does notmeanthat it is notavailable.Simplycontact us with yourmaterial requirements.

Are customised balls possible?

At KGM, we are able torealiseany ball. Ourfocusis not just on massproduction, but onproductsofexceptionallyhighquality- be it inunusualsizes, withspecialboresor milling. We arecharacterisedby ourflexibilityandqualityin order to meet theindividualrequirements ofeachcustomer.

Even small assembliesarenoproblemfor our traditionalcompany. Weguarantee100 per cent batchpurity. Youcanrelyon us tofulfilyourordersprecisely andflawlessly.

Is it possible to order samples and test balls?

Yes, it is possible to order sample and test balls. We would like to point out that this should be requested individually as the availability and possibility depends on the exact specifications of the desired balls.

Please contact us to discuss your enquiry and clarify the details of your sample or test balls. It is important to note that costs may apply depending on the specific requirements and type of ball.

Our sample and test spheres are subject to the same rigorous quality control process as all our products. Each individual ball undergoes a thorough final inspection to ensure that it meets our high quality standards. If you have any further questions or require more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hintergrund 1 - KGM Kugelfabrik

Balls with hole or thread

Flattened balls

Ball mushrooms

Contact details

I have taken note of the privacy policy. I agree that my details and data will be collected and stored electronically to answer my enquiry.

Note: You can revoke your consent at any time for the future by sending an e-mail to datenschutz(at)

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KGM Kugelfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Johannisstraße 35
36041 Fulda
Hessen, Deutschland